One of the most interesting details about the Sumerian King List is the fact that the earliest list, describes eight kings who ruled over Earth for a total of 241,200 years, since the original kingship had ‘descended from heaven’ all the way to the time of the ‘Great Flood’, which swept over the land and once more “the kingship was lowered from heaven” after the Flood. In Eridug, Alulim became king he ruled for 28800 years. ( Find out more about the Ancient Sumerian King List here.) “ After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. The Sumerian King List is perhaps one of the most important ancient texts that perfectly describes a time in history where literally ‘Gods’ ruled for thousands of years. Interestingly, one of the most important discoveries made during the excavation were a series of cuneiform tablets called the Enűma Eliš, or better known as “The Seven Tablets of Creation.” According to numerous researchers, the Seven Tablets of Creation tell the story about a group of gods called the Anunnaki who came from the heaven to create the human race. If the Anunnaki did exist, would we find evidence of their reign here on Earth? Well, according to ot many researchers, the evidence is abundant.ĭuring excavations of the Biblical city of Nineveh, a team led by Austen Henry Layard discovered the ruins of the ancient Assyrian library of Ashurbanipal. Evidence of the Anunnaki present in ancient clay tablets? In recent years, and mostly because of the Ancient Astronaut Theory – which proposes that Earth has been visited by advanced Alien civilizations from thousands of years – the truth behind the Anunnaki has gained much importance among millions of readers and viewers around the globe. The story behind the Anunnaki – Those whom Anu sent from Heaven to Earth’ – is far more mysterious than anyone is willing to accept.

These mines were worked by slaves created by the “First People.“ Could they have a similar origin? Some African cultures believe that extraterrestrial beings have been visiting the Earth for tens of thousands of years, for example, the Zulu legends speak of a time when “visitors from the stars” came to excavate gold and other natural resources.

Historically speaking, there are many similarities among ancient Sumerian texts and modern religious books such as the Bible.